LawToolBox Court Rules Calendaring Integration for Partner Platforms
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Last Updated: February 26th, 2024
LawToolBox Court Rules Calendaring Integration for Partner Platforms Overview
LawToolBox is the industry leading court ruleset provider powering the docketing components of most online law practice platforms with integrations in leading case management and document management platforms such as Actionstep, Centerbase, Google, iCal, iManage, InfoTrack, LEAP, Netdocuments, Practice Panther, Rocket Matter, Smokeball, Soluno, Time Matters, Worldox, Zola, and more. LawToolBox automates litigation (and other compliance-based matters) with custom deadline calculators and with regulatory, administrative, and civil rules of procedure using proprietary court rulesets. Automatically calculate rules-based deadlines and sync to any calendar, saving you time while ensuring you never miss a deadline again. Eliminate human error and easily automate your calendaring workflow in seconds with LawToolBox.Features
LawToolBox makes it easy for IT teams to add the app to their existing Microsoft invoices, simplifying the procurement process and allowing for easier budget management. LawToolBox also meets the needs of IT teams, with features like single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure that customer data is secure.
Overall, LawToolBox is is easy to use, easy to procure, and provides the security and data protection that IT teams require.
Digital Resources
Live (online)
Court Calendaring
Rules-Based Calendaring
Automatic Calendar Updating
Calendar Synchronization
Deadline Customization
Case Management Integration
Federal Court Rules
State/Local Court Rules
Document Automation and Assembly
Automated Document Generation and Assembly
Collaboration Tools for Document Automation
Conditional Logic Support
Encryption in transit
Integrations with Document Management Systems
Language Support for International Languages
Process Automation
Templates - Create Documents and Forms from Existing Documents
Templates - Create New Documents and Forms from User Content
Integrations with CRM
Templates - Calculated fields support
Templates - Queries/Interviews Builder for User Inputs
Content Library Management
Integrations with Digital Signature Apps
Workflow Management
Integrations with Business Process Systems
Document sets/Packages Supported
Templates - Prebuilt Forms and Documents Included
Extranets or Portals for Document Sharing
Version Control
Document Management
Access Controls
Document Database Management (Repository for Archiving and Retention)
Document Disposition Based on User Defined Rules
Encryption capabilities
Integration with Microsoft Teams
Version Control
Search Metadata, Classifications and Indexing
Data Loss and Malware Prevention
Data Recovery
File Types - Multi Format Support
Records Management Compliance Support
Search Full Text
Search Federated Across Multiple Data Sources
Search with Natural Language Support
Compliance Tracking
Geolocation Controls for Data Storage
Document Collaboration
Depositions and Hearings
Exhibit Management
Exhibit Labeling
Exhibit Annotation
Video Streaming
Sidebar Rooms
Deposition Scheduling
Real-Time Transcription
Docketing and E-Filing
Docket Alerts
Document Delivery
Docket Analytics
ECF Integration
Case Management Integration
Docket Search
Litigation Management and Trial Preparation
Brief Analyzer
PDF Management
Exhibit Management
Bates Numbering
human support
Data Visualization
Custom Dashboards
Dashboard Templates
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Learning Resources
Microsoft 365 for Legal | Automated Calendaring & Matter Management in Microsoft Teams and Outlook
LawToolBox at Microsoft Build Conference on Main Stage
LawToolBox for Microsoft Teams and Outlook
Legal Templates for Microsoft Teams
Organize Matters in Teams
Organize Matters Across M365 Apps
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