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Last Updated: November 30th, 2023
Giupedi Overview
Giupedi has created the New Clinical Data Operating System for the workers compensation, medical malpractice, and personal injury litigation industry. For far too long, successful litigation involving medical harm has been judged by the size of legal settlements as opposed to the quality of life of the patient/client. The Giupedi Platform will make it easier to manage and share patient care data with providers, lawyers, case managers, and the client. Giupedi will enhance quality of care and economic impacts through machine learning and clinical decision support algorithms. Giupedi simplifies the creation of medical indexes for depositions and evidence production.Features
Digital Resources
Live (online)
Document Automation and Assembly
Automated Document Generation and Assembly
Collaboration Tools for Document Automation
Conditional Logic Support
Encryption in transit
Integrations with Document Management Systems
Language Support for International Languages
Process Automation
Templates - Create Documents and Forms from Existing Documents
Templates - Create New Documents and Forms from User Content
Integrations with CRM
Templates - Calculated fields support
Templates - Queries/Interviews Builder for User Inputs
Content Library Management
Integrations with Digital Signature Apps
Workflow Management
Integrations with Business Process Systems
Document sets/Packages Supported
Templates - Prebuilt Forms and Documents Included
Extranets or Portals for Document Sharing
Version Control
Document Review and Analysis
Intelligent Data Capture and Extraction with Batch Processing
Document Review and Evaluation for Due Diligence, Analytics and Reporting
Document Checking and Formatting
Digital Signatures - Functionality included
Digital Signatures - Integrations with third party apps
Document Classification, Indexing, Metadata - Automated/Predictive
Document Classification, Indexing, Metadata - User Added
Offline Access and Editing
Batch Processing - Scanning and OCR
OCR Indexing of pdfs
File Syncing (remote/desktop to cloud)
Emails - Automated filing
Document Management
Access Controls
Document Database Management (Repository for Archiving and Retention)
Document Disposition Based on User Defined Rules
Encryption capabilities
Integration with Microsoft Teams
Version Control
Search Metadata, Classifications and Indexing
Data Loss and Malware Prevention
Data Recovery
File Types - Multi Format Support
Records Management Compliance Support
Search Full Text
Search Federated Across Multiple Data Sources
Search with Natural Language Support
Compliance Tracking
Geolocation Controls for Data Storage
Document Collaboration
Data Visualization
Custom Dashboards
Dashboard Templates
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