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Depositions.comProfile Image


Last Updated: June 2nd, 2023


Depositions.com Overview


Depositions.com is a secure, web-based file and video sharing and streaming service. It is specifically designed by lawyers for lawyers, as well as insurance companies and others in the legal industry to use it in connection with litigation and claims. It can be accessed anytime, anywhere from any desktop or laptop computer, mobile phone or tablet using our iOS and Android mobile apps. Users can access and stream all of their videos and make clips in seconds. With synchronized transcripts, videos can be word searched and captioning can be shown on playback. Transcripts, exhibits and reports can also be accessed, and any content can be easily shared by email or text message.

Product Snapshot

Parent Company
Depositions, Inc.
Year Founded

Product Snapshot

Parent Company
Depositions, Inc.
Year Founded
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