Miscellaneous Tech Tools Tech Center

Some legal technology tools defy categorization — because they can be used broadly across multiple categories. Software that automates workflows, for example, can be used to streamline practice management, enhance legal services delivery, or keep matters moving forward. Project management and collaboration tools, as another example, can be used in virtually any practice setting.

This Legal Tech Center focuses on all those technology tools that may be of interest to legal professionals of any kind, whether they work in a large or small firm, in-house, or some other sort of organization. It includes tools for notarization, redaction, data visualization, dictation, translation and more.

Specifically, categories of products within this Legal Tech Center are:

App Development. App development tools and platforms for the legal professional provide users with the means to create one or more types of applications relevant to legal practice, such as client self-service systems for document packages or bot development.

Data Visualization. Data visualization tools for the legal profession enable the presentation or retrieval of information via graphical displays, such as might be used to present trial information more clearly or to retrieve multi-jurisdictional legal information based on a map display.

Digital Signatures. Digital signature tools enable the signing of documents using e-signatures (digitized versions of names) but also provide additional routing workflow, validation, security and audit trail functionalities.

Email Management and Security. Products in this category that help law firms and legal organizations manage, file and secure client and matter emails, including products related to the secure delivery and encryption of emails.

Enterprise Search. Enterprise search tools for the legal profession enable electronic search and retrieval of information, documents and other content across multiple sources and source types using one or more digital search methods that increasingly employ AI and machine learning, and often offer optimized search result displays and visualizations and integrations with knowledgement systems.

Intranets. Intranets provide a structured platform for centralizing a legal organization’s internal networking, news, event calendaring, blogging, policies, documents and other internally shared content.

Notarization. Digital notarization software enables notaries to electronically notarize documents and to maintain electronic records of notarization activities.

Project Management and Collaboration. These tools enable automated group planning, task tracking and workflows, communications, document sharing and other means for teams to work together interactively.

Redaction. Redaction software is used to conceal text or images in documents before sharing them with others. Most redaction products work with PDF documents, while some also work with Microsoft Word and Excel documents.

Transcription and Dictation. Transcription and dictation software enables the recording of digital audio files and the conversion of audio files to text files.

Translation. Translation software automates translation of legal documents, with the goal of reducing or eliminating the need for time-consuming human translation and review.

Web and Social Media Monitoring and Capture. Web and social media monitoring and capture tools are used to automate the capture and archiving of websites, social media, videos and other online content for purposes such as evidence preservation, compliance and investigations.

Workflow Automation. Workflow Automation tools enable the automated execution of a series of user defined tasks, typically based on conditional logic, to perform repetitive tasks and to coordinate the inputs and actions of multiple people involved in related processes.

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Categories of software used in Miscellaneous Tech Tools

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