NextChapter BK
Offers LawNext Promo
Last Updated: November 30th, 2023
Start Plan
Per case, unlimited users
Just the basics. Pay as you go.
- Chapter 7, 11, 12, 13
- ECF Integration
- Unlimited Districts
- Unlimited Document Storage
- No Set-Up Fees
- Local Forms
- Automatic Updates
Start+ Plan
Per case, unlimited users
Everything you need to file. Pay as you go.
- All the great features included in the Start plan plus access to MyChapter client portal and NextMessage client texting.
Pro Plan
Per year, up to 6 users
Great value for all sized firms. All the great features included in the Start plan plus:
- Unlimited Case Filings
- Hearing Scheduler
- Elite Customer Support
- Attorney Fee reporting
- Firm Training Webinar
- NextChapter Notices
Pro+ Plan
Per year, up to 6 users
Best value for all size firms for intake to filing
- All the great features from the Pro Plan plusunlimited access to MyChapter client portal and NextMessage client texting and concierge service to help get your firm set up and started.
Whoa Plan
Per year, up to 6 users
Bundle all features to automate you law firm.
- All the great features included in the Pro+ plan plus NextChapter's Doc Creator tool to create where you can add all your firm's documents to merge with data from your client cases as well as a standard set of templates to get started.
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