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Last Updated: November 30th, 2023
Loio Overview
Loio — AI-driven legal tech software to create impeccable and error-free documents. Compatible with macOS, Windows Desktop, and Office 365 online. With Loio you can: - Start working with your document from scratch by adding your favorite provisions from a prebuilt library. - Get a detailed report in seconds—dates, money amounts, definitions, parties, placeholders etc. - Scan the document you received from the other party to see what you can improve in your contract. Tools like сlause bank and clause analysis can recommend critical provision language in real time, taken from a vast collection of best practice contract screens. AI algorithms perform live document reviews and analyses and flag any potential issues or inconsistencies for manual correction. Loio complies with all data protection regulations, including GDPR. Thus, no third party can access the contents of your docs. Do you want to reduce the manual effort needed for contract review by 30%?Give Loio a try!Features
Digital Resources
Live (online)
Contract Automation and Drafting (Through Signature)
Approval Process Management
Buyer/Seller Qualifications Tracking
Collaborative Drafting and Editing
Compliance Tracking
Completion Status Tracking
Contract Clause and Content Management
Contract Attachments Support
Contract Drafts - Review and Redlining
Contract Multi-Document Packages Support
Electronic and Digital Signature Integrations
Integrations with CRMs
Mobile Access to Contracts in Progress
Mobile Signature Capability
Pricing Integration
Proposal and RFP Generation
Quotes Preparation
Reports and Dashboards
Template and Forms Creation
Template and Forms Management
Templates - Prebuilt included
Version Control
Workflow Process Management
Contract Generation and Assembly from Templates, Forms and Clause Banks
Tracking, Alerts and Notifications - Workflow Status and Completion
Offline Access to Contracts in Progress
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