Announcing Rocket Matter NextGen Leap Forward in Practice Management Software

ByRobert AmbrogiPublished inPress ReleasesJuly 16th, 2024

Bob Ambrogi interviews ProfitSolv VP of Marketing Scott Clasen, and Senior Director of Product Marketing Erica Birstler, about the announcement of Rocket Matter NextGen.

00:00 - Introductions

00:54 - What is Rocket Matter?

02:17 - What is Rocket Matter NextGen?

03:40 - What are the biggest changes to Rocket Matter with the announcement of NextGen?

08:47 - What size law firm is Rocket Matter intended for?

13:29 - How does Rocket Matter NextGen change the user experience?

15:32 - What kind of support does Rocket Matter offer to users?

19:20 - Which features of NextGen are Rocket Matter users most excited about?

24:16 - What is the user migration plan for Rocket Matter users switching to NextGen?

25:18 - Will Rocket Matter NextGen remove any features from Rocket Matter Classic?

27:04 - What kinds of security features have you considered with Rocket Matter NextGen?

28:58 - Closing Thoughts

What is Rocket Matter NextGen?

Rocket Matter NextGen is here. The most comprehensive update to it's application since Larry Port launched Rocket Matter in 2008 has been unveiled today. The new Rocket Matter platform is a user-friendly practice management solution developed directly from feedback and conversations with lawyers who provided insight into how to make their professional lives earier. Reimagined for growing firms. Rocket Matter “NextGen” is an all-in-one management system complete with a new, industry-leading integration with QuickBooks Online, “bank-level” (SOC 2 compliant) security certification, and continued award-winning customer support.

Finally, there's a legal practice management solution that is easy to learn, with tailored, flexible views and dashboards so a firm can see the information important to them.


Bob Ambrogi Welcome to LawNext PR, the podcast where we put a spotlight on the latest news coming out of legal tech industry. This is Bob Ambrogi and in each sponsored episode of LawNext PR interview, a legal tech company about its just released news or latest developments. Today we have major news to talk about from the law practice management company Rocket Matter.

Bob Ambrogi The debut this week of the next generation of its practice management solution. Joining me from Profit Solve, the parent company of Rocket Matter, to share the news and provide more details on the new platform. Are Scott Clasen vice president of marketing. Scott, welcome to the show.

Scott Clasen Thanks, Bob. Glad to be here.

Bob Ambrogi And Erica Birstler senior director, product marketing. Erica, welcome.

Erica Birstler Thank you so much, Bob.

Bob Ambrogi Well, just to start off, Scott, maybe we could just turn to you and ask if you could kind of give us a little bit of background for anybody who may not be all that aware of of Rocket Matter, of just exactly what Rocket Matter is and what you do.

Scott Clasen Yeah. Thanks, Bob. Rocket Matter? it was one of the pioneering cloud based legal practice management solutions starting back in 2007, 2008. You know the report well, the the founder of Rocket Matter and, was really the like I said, one of the very first practice management solutions that you could run entirely through your web browser, which back then was still a pretty much a novelty sort of thing.

Scott Clasen And, but the market really has, has changed significantly, you know, in that time period. You know, both on how law firms choose to, to leverage technology, but also just what's available out there. a lot has passed in the last 16 years, whatever it's been now. And Rocket Matters evolving as well. You know, and Rocket Matters also changed internally over the last several years.

Scott Clasen As you mentioned, the top Rocket man is now part of the profits of family, which is a group of products that include some of the major players in the legal practice management field, including tabs three, cosmos X times all along with other products. And you know, we're just constantly evolving what's happening with Rocket Man. And that's why we are excited to talk about, what that looks like as of July 15th with Rocket Matter Next Gen.

Bob Ambrogi So as of July 15th, you've announced this next generation of the platform. Why don't you kind of summarize for us, you know, the news that you've announced this week?

Scott Clasen Yeah. And just a brief summary. And then and then Erica is going to get into some of the details. I think about it. We're really excited about this is a a brand new redesign of Rocket Matter built from the ground up. It is the most significant change in the rocket motor application since Larry launched it at the very beginning, back in 2008, and it has a lot of exciting new features, brand new user experience, which really focuses on flexible and allowing law firms the ability to kind of drive Rocket Matter in a way that that they choose.

Scott Clasen And, you know, Rocket Man has been around a long time, 16 years now. If you've taken a look at rocket motor before, you need to come back and check us out again, because it is a really a brand new experience for those that that get into the application.

Bob Ambrogi Yeah, it's really interesting because I have reported on Rocket Matter probably since it launched, I think maybe even before at launch when when the first beta came out and that was an I think 2007 maybe, if that sounds right. and it was at that time, it was literally the first cloud practice management platform way back when. So it's it's had a long history.

Bob Ambrogi and this is significant news. you know, Erica, we can dive into to some of the details, but just kind of on a high level, from your perspective, what's kind of the significance of this relaunch and this next generation of the platform?

Erica Birstler Sure. So as Scott mentioned, I would say our theme definitely is flexibility. So there's a lot that we've done to, allow a law firm to really function the way that they want. I've actually noticed myself over the past several years that we went from law firms wanting a very easy out of the box just give me something to open and I can start it and go.

Erica Birstler I don't want to put much thought into it, but with the evolution of technology and law firms specifically, we've noticed a change in how users want to be a part of that process and actually build their tools or use their tools more effectively to work specifically for their needs. And that's definitely changed in the last handful of me.

Erica Birstler years, I would say. And that's why we're like, you know, there's a lot of functionality that we would love to do, but a lot of it is foundational. You know, how the system actually operates at its core. So that's why I, Scott mentioned we did a bit of a rebuild here, a redesign rebuild. Some features are the same, some are improved, some are brand new, built from the ground up and I will say the first thing which really every software provider looks at is ease of use.

Erica Birstler So we wanted to have an application that even though it's more robust and functionality that is easy for them to, you know, get started right out the gate. Very often they make a decision to move to a new software and they don't want to have a delay. Obviously, you don't want to be hung up on learning a new software.

Erica Birstler So it's a new look, a new feel, a new navigation and having additional functionality like adding a refreshed mobile app. We haven't updated our mobile app in quite some time, so having that new experience and also the client portal, brand new client portal, which allows them to have a better experience for their clients, as well as more functionality that can be shared back and forth.

Erica Birstler So the ease of use is a first one. secondarily is the customization, which Scott spoke to a little bit. Really user driven. Each user can decide how they want to see their data. That comes down to the the views on their screen, the dashboards that they have, the functionality that they choose to use, the permissions and access that they have is so much deeper, and allows them to really decide what functionality or what data works best for me, not just my firm and my practice area, but me as a user.

Erica Birstler Am I a paralegal? Am I a bookkeeper? Am I an associate? Am I a partner? What is most important to me that might not be important to other users? And kind of moving off that customization route, which is really our anchor feature here is a completely rebuilt QuickBooks integration. We have rebuilt it from the ground up because not all integrations are the same.

Erica Birstler Usually there's little differences here or there, but I will tell you, we've had feedback just in the market about how frustrating QuickBooks thinks can be. And that could be just simply based on it doesn't work, or it is something that there's information my bookkeeper needs in a certain way, and it doesn't cater to that. Therefore, my bookkeeper decides, you know what?

Erica Birstler We're just not going to use it. So they don't use the sink. And then you're like, well, you're losing all of the efficiency gains that you could get from having these two valuable pieces of data come together. So we completely rebuilt it from the ground up again with the focus on customization. They can have a default set up if they if there are solo they don't have a bookkeeper.

Erica Birstler They have very simple needs. No problem. Plug and play. But if you want to work with your bookkeeper to have the integration work best for them, there's several options and customization tools they can use to have information like your payments, how your invoices come over, how your client costs come over, what you do, what your trust accounting. How do you unlink payments?

Erica Birstler There's individual settings that they're walked through a wizard basically to let them just make those decisions for themselves. And I do think that one thing that law firms always say is my bookkeeper is particular. They like things a certain way. They have my QuickBooks set up this way in my old program. I don't want to have to change that meaning, like how their chart of accounts are set up, etc. and we want to work with that as best as possible so that we can make that transition or even just starting fresh.

Erica Birstler as easy as possible. So that was a a major change that took a lot of work. But we're really proud of the, product.

Bob Ambrogi Can I just just got to do something with that?

Scott Clasen Well, I was just going to add that, you know, going back to the sort of that theme of being user driven over the years I've used this term, you know, law firms are like snowflakes. They're all unique in their own special way, in how they do things, whether it's because of the size of the firm or the practice area that that a firm has a a firm that does family law is going to kind of run their processes quite different.

Scott Clasen That might have to do exclusively leads billing because they're working just with insurance companies. And how you set up that to work within your practice management solution over the years can be somewhat frustrating, where you have to sort of bend to the will of the software, and we've redesigned rock and mortar so that the software will bend to your will with the with the flexibility and customization.

Scott Clasen So I just kind of wanted to add includes that QuickBooks integration that that Erica spoke to.

Bob Ambrogi I wonder if we could just back up for a minute because I don't know that we really talked about exactly who the firms are that are the target market for for Rocket Matter. I wonder if you could talk about that a little bit and, and maybe talk about, how to what extent input from those firms help drive this relaunch and redesign of the product.

Scott Clasen Yeah. I mean, the target market for rock and mortar hasn't, you know, changed really. It's generally going to be for small and mid-sized firms, you know, up to 20, 25 attorneys, let's say any practice area we find a lot of the firms that are of that size tend to deal in things like like family law or estate planning or like intellectual property.

Scott Clasen Firms tend to get it a little bit bigger. But the input that we receive from the that's the great thing about rock and other being part of sort of the profits of family too, is that we have a wider range of firms that we can have talks with and discussions within just rock and matter users, and kind of pull here and there from the various product leaders across all of the profits of brands to understand, like, what are these?

Scott Clasen You know, what what's really the kind of the commonality we're seeing, hearing from our users. And then and then incorporate that. And so, you know, it took a lot of just discussion with, you know, a variety of firms and a variety of lawyers to really kind of bubbled to the surface. And Erica can speak to this even better than I can, because she spends more time actually talking with firms than I do.

Scott Clasen There were some common themes that we sort of heard, and that's what we've incorporated. And that's why the flexibility, the customization and the QuickBooks rebuild completely, became kind of our driving pillars of what we wanted next gen to evolve to.

Bob Ambrogi Erica is that, can you expand on that a little bit in terms of the the feedback? Yeah.

Erica Birstler So I will say and I mean, I've been in the, legal technology space for over 12 years now and, just in general hearing from law firms, you often you have two layers of, I would say preference which or even just customization where it's like, okay, I have a family law practice. These things are important to the type of work that I do.

Erica Birstler And then there will I'm this practice though like there's still internal processes culture of a business. You know how usually the managing partners want things run. So there's two layers there. One is more okay how do we cater to certain practice areas. So like Scott mentioned family lawyers a big focus of them is being able to stay on top of their retainer replenishment or to be able to split bills in a way that works best for multiple parties.

Erica Birstler That's important functionality that we rolled out, because we've heard that feedback from contingency firms. I hear all the time where they say, well, so many programs are focused on hourly billing and then do hourly billing. And a lot of this billing data is not the thing that's at the forefront of my data that I want to look at or my reporting.

Erica Birstler I care more about my trust accounting I care about what do I owe to third parties. At the end of the day, we have features and functionality and data for that as well, so they can choose to that be at their forefront as opposed to more features or data that's not as relevant to them. And then the personal preference piece is, well, like I said, by role, I'm a paralegal or I'm an attorney or I'm a bookkeeper and you know what?

Erica Birstler This specific person has an unbilled data today is not relevant to my day to day job. And that's when we get into things like dashboards. They can build dashboards for themselves and they can decide, okay, these are the criteria I want for this, what we call this a view or widget. What you have on your dashboard. And I want this dashboard to have a certain theme or overarching like a title or a area that it's focusing on, and I want to have it private or share it with other people in my firm, because that also helps with collaborating with other users as well.

Erica Birstler And that goes for a lot of the customization functionality we're talking about. It could be for myself, it could be for the firm, it could be for people like maybe just other paralegals that are in the firm. So really allowing them to to drive or fly the rocket, I guess you could say, the way that they want to.

Scott Clasen You know. Yeah, I think probably we had heard, you know, just after talking with sales support, success teams and such specifically about Rocket Matter was, hey, it's a feature rich platform, no doubt. But we knew from taking a clear eyed look at ourselves that the usability there was room for improvement there. There was room to take this feature rich platform and make it somewhat more accessible, if you will, for our users.

Scott Clasen And we feel like that's what that's what NexGen has accomplished and not losing some of that feature rich stuff that firms, some firms really want, but yet making it more accessible so that more firms can take advantage of that, who maybe weren't didn't have a lot of time, or one particular person at the firm who was like, yeah, man, I'm going to roll up my sleeves and kind of dig into this.

Scott Clasen We wanted to make it accessible for those type of firms as well.

Bob Ambrogi Making the platform more customizable could mean a lot of things. What does that really mean for lawyers who are using it? I mean, what are they able to do? How easy is it to do it?

Erica Birstler So we have a way that they can we have this concept called views and views is almost like a well, it's a it's very easy wizard that you say, okay, what resource are you looking at matters okay. What information is important to you about matters? How do you want it filtered? How do you want it sorted? What do you want visible on this?

Erica Birstler The view that can be applied to both their screens. Like if I'm looking at my list of matters, I see the columns I want, I see the orders that I want. I can change it, I can save it. I can share it very easily from one page. You don't have to go anywhere else as long as you have the permission or access to do so.

Erica Birstler You can create those views and choose what your default is for every single day use. Because my default versus somebody else in the firm might be very different. And the same goes for dashboards. I can choose how what dashboards I want to see if I want to build additional ones myself, how customize, what the layout is, what the data is.

Erica Birstler And again, is this just for me? Is it for other people, my firm. And then also just functionality. We have tiers at ROC, a matter of course, where they can decide okay, which area here works best for me. We also have additional functionality like we have CRM and we have sharing of documents as well. We have payments and they can kind of decide, well what does my firm need.

Erica Birstler And allow it to scale with their practice. We have a lot of firms that come in on our essentials or pro tier that grow over time and learn to really value that additional functionality. Choose to take it on. And that's the features that we really decided to rebuild. There's so much great functionality there. But we said, how do we make this?

Erica Birstler How do we lower that barrier to entry? You know, how do we make it in a way in which they say, that's something I really want to look into, but I don't have experience in project management. How do I get started? Well, let's make it a lot easier for you. And that that was part of that, you know, ease of use, focus that we've had this go around.

Bob Ambrogi Yeah. So so how do you do is what do you say that I remember a conversation I had with Larry Report, the original founder, way back when, when he, he told me that, you know, rocket is an all in one platform, has a number of features, but a lot of users just never make use of a lot of the features because they just never figure out how to use them or, you know, they never get the proper training or whatever else.

Bob Ambrogi So how do you support, firms in understanding and taking advantage of all these features?

Scott Clasen Yeah, that's where our success teams come into play. You know, having the dedicated success managers and accountants, executives who are tasked with, you know, staying in contact with, you know, the individual firms and making sure they're aware of things like next gen and what's, you know, coming and rolling out and and even doing just general, you know, user communication through whether it's newsletters or webinars or whatever the case may be, to make sure that they're fully aware of how to how to get the most out of their investment in the tool.

Scott Clasen Because Larry is correct. And, you know, Erica and I experienced that with the other. We both came from other brands that are part of the profits all family time. So cosmetics and we that's true across all all of these brands is you. You build these things and you think people necessarily people will come but you do have to hold their hand a little bit and show them the value and why you need to take some time, invest a little time into sending them up properly.

Scott Clasen And we're hoping that what comes out of next gen is the ability to make that less daunting of a barrier. Like like we mentioned, you know, even building things that like as we touched on with different depending on your practice area, you know, you can see your matter, a real estate matter at your views, your custom fields that you may create for that can be quite different from the matter of you.

Scott Clasen You're going to have from a different area of law because, you know, a lot of law firms, they're not just they don't specialize in just one area. They do have a variety of different, places in which they practice law. So you again, the custom fields that you create, custom matter templates that you create. So like, oh, this is a real estate matter I just brought on board.

Scott Clasen Boom. I have that template I can apply. Oh this is a contingency one. I just brought that on board. Boom. You apply that matter template completely. Could be two completely different views of how you're experiencing, looking and managing your matters depending on the practice area. So it's a good question, but.

Erica Birstler I will say that the, the onboarding piece, in case it was ever a question, our success in onboarding and and support and sales teams have they know Next-Gen inside and out already. You know, obviously before we go and even go into launch and there's a bit a lot of pre-work too, because we have had an early access, time frame where we actually have existing rocket motor users that are already on the next gen platform for some for weeks and some for months at this point.

Erica Birstler So we have already gone through showing them the product, onboarding them, understanding what works best, getting their feedback. We've even made improvements, several improvements in that time frame based on that feedback. So that really helps not just our users to get to know the next gen platform, but our team to get to know what do people love about this new version?

Erica Birstler What do they want to leverage the most? What saves them the most time? But also, I'm a firm believer in on day one, somebody and the product get them to do their day to day easily, you know, just the day to day to start because you don't want them getting hung up on too much advanced functionality just to get their firm going in a new product.

Erica Birstler So we do take the approach of, okay, what's most important to you today? Let's get you set up so that you feel comfortable. And then we have a lot of this, like we said, communication. We have training classes, we have webinars. And of course we have our team that continually lets them know what's available so that we could take their experience to the next level.

Erica Birstler And of course, they can choose how much of that they want to take on or not.

Bob Ambrogi All right. Well, you just set me up. So I have to ask, what is it that people have told you in their feedback that they most like about it? And has there been anything that they haven't like that you've scrapped? Based on the feedback so far?

Erica Birstler I will say, it's funny that you say, what are they not like? And my answer is always change. I know that is anybody who's in the software industry, but especially the legal software industry, you know, who's traditionally change averse. It is something that had to be very handled, very sensitively. And it still is to understand that, you know, change is hard, especially when you have a product that is running your entire business.

Erica Birstler Making a shift on that is really difficult, which is how we know that next gen is successful because we've had firms move on over and willing to take that chance and that risk based on what we've told them with the value, all the things that you can't do right now in your current system, you can do in this new version.

Erica Birstler And showing them in the way that they're like, I didn't even have the ability to do that before. I didn't have these ways that I can tailor to my specific practice area. I can clean out the clutter of things that are not relevant to my firm and make it more tailored to us. That is kind of a game changer.

Erica Birstler so through those conversations, we've learned what they value. I mean, I know we've said it thoroughly, but the flexibility when I'm a firm is so much more willing to be in the driver's seat these days, like I said, and their excitement over that. And I think things like, like the dashboards that I said that they can build on their own and really see what they want to see, it is something that they're like, wow, I never even thought of doing that before.

Erica Birstler What are the possibilities that are there? We've also had firms that are not even using our QuickBooks integration right now, and we're talking to them and going like, well, why haven't you used it? And they'd say, oh, well, when I set it up, maybe my account want it this way, and I just never went back to it. And we say, let's show you something, let's show you this new functionality, bring your bookkeeper into the conversation.

Erica Birstler We want to hear their thoughts. And of course, bookkeepers love the idea of being able to do things their way and what they're comfortable with. So we've had some great feedback on that as well. But yeah, I think honestly, a lot of the feedback that we've had about what people want is what they've had great features that they had in the previous application that they want to continue to have going forward.

Erica Birstler And we're like, absolutely, that's coming. Don't worry about it. So in that beta phase, we had a lot of functionality flux that now is is live and ready to use, and our users are very happy with it, which is great to hear.

Scott Clasen I know one thing that, some feedback I've heard as well, the flexibility and user permissions in that, and Erica touched on a little bit before the the fact that you can really lock down or expand the user experience based on the role. And then I know that's vitally important for law firms that use a lot of contract attorneys where, hey, I'm kind of farming out some work.

Scott Clasen I need them to be in my system, but I don't want them like in my system. So, you know, giving them the ability, like, look, when you log in to rock and matter, you're only going to see the three clients that are assigned to you and the five matters that are assigned to you only. And that's it. You're not going to see anything else.

Scott Clasen You're not going to see a county. You're not going to see anything other than just those things. So that being able to kind of accordion up and down what user can experience in there, we've gotten good feedback on that, because that was something that we knew we needed to to move forward with because again, as we evolve with with our software's, the, permissions and what people can or can't do needs to evolve with that.

Bob Ambrogi Right? So there are there are user by user customization capabilities, but then there's also firm wide permissioning customization capabilities.

Erica Birstler Yeah. And I would say kind of when we talk about permissions, I mean every software has had permissions since it's built into exception. But the depth of that is what's really different. And features like a true ethical wall, which is what our larger firms really were seeking. This is I have, you know, I'm a general practice. We have lawyers in all different areas.

Erica Birstler And lawyer A not only can you not see the matters for lawyer be but what happens to combine data like reporting or if I'm looking at a dashboard or looking at a specific viewing my system, how does that work? So an ethical wall is, is truly that it builds a wall in which if I can't see client A, even if I generate reporting of overall trust funds in the firm, I see the data, I see the totals, because that's important to my job, but I don't know who has what if I don't have access to those, individual matters?

Erica Birstler I can't even see the matter name, and I can't associate anything to a particular client. And that is vital, especially to those larger firms that have true conflicts. It's not like smaller firms. They say, I have a conflict. I won't take that client. That's not how it works in larger firms. You know, you take on that business, obviously, but you want to make sure that you're not crossing wires at all in that process.

Erica Birstler So that was a new feature that we we have a next shot as well.

Bob Ambrogi We talked today is as we're talking today is July 15th, which is the day that you're formally announcing this. You've been you've been testing it with some firms up until now. What happens now going forward? What's the transition look like for firms that, have been on, on classic Rocket Matter, I guess. And, and now next year.

Scott Clasen No, we're calling it Rocket Matter Classic. So, as Erica alluded to, we have been and we will continue to migrate existing users on the the NextGen platform, what is now the Rocket Matter platform and why July 15th. Today is the important day is today moving forward now for new users, new prospects, new sales, they will be getting the rocket better next gen.

Scott Clasen That is now the rocket Matter From a front facing marketing point of view, what the, our sales team and others will be will be selling, and then conversely, we'll continue to work with our existing firms to to migrate them over slowly but surely to the environment.

Bob Ambrogi That you had. Erica, you had referred to the fact that a lot of your testers or some of the firms that you've been talking to so far about this, were concerned, you know, that the features they love not be lost in the new version is everything being carried through, and are the features changing in any way, or are there any other new features that are coming about because of this transition?

Erica Birstler All of the above. There's, you know, the one great thing is, as Scott said earlier, of having multiple products under the profits, all brand is learning what really works, what users really love, and also what they struggle with. And so from the original platform, there's a lot that we brought with us. There's a lot that we improved upon, and there's a lot of brand new functionality that they've never seen before.

Erica Birstler So it really is three different buckets. And it took that feedback. Our product and development teams have been working very, very hard over the last couple of years to really understand what direction to take this program, and it really was featured by feature, looking at certain items and saying, well, we could improve this, but do we want to just have the current feature and build on top of it, or do we want to start from the ground up and have it something new?

Erica Birstler and the new functionality piece is there are new features that we've rolled out that is like we have a Zapier integration, we added split billing. This new QuickBooks integration is very new, the navigation and design is all new. And that is something that we feel has a, an impact and a value to our users. We just have to communicate that and let them know why.

Erica Birstler And then they see and they go, well, this is something I definitely want to be a part of and we will continue. I think this new platform, the best part about it is since it was built foundationally in a way that allows us to really do that customer experience, it opens the door for so much more additional functionality in the future.

Bob Ambrogi So one other question I wanted to ask you before we wrap up, is it's just about security. I know, lawyers are very much concerned about security of any technology, with cloud security in particular. That's always something they're asking about. So what can you tell me about about this platform.

Erica Birstler Yeah. So I wanted to mention we've talked a bit about permissions and access controls. And of course we have two factor authentication and your traditional security measures. But what we've really done beyond what is expected is Soc2 type two certification. And it's becoming a little bit more of a buzzword in the technology space, especially in the legal space.

Erica Birstler But I'll just kind of explain it as the reason we love it. Rocket Matter is it is a third party standard, is an external standard that they're like, this is a guidance as to how you should handle customer data, period. It's not specific to the legal market. It's just software in general when you're handling customer data. And so it's a step beyond just your encrypted data or your two factor.

Erica Birstler It is what are your internal processes? Who has access to certain applications. How do you handle your passwords within the business itself. So like at Rocket Matter Warehouse to a certain standard as to how we operate, so that when we get audited by a third party and they say you pass the certification, we've been through the wringer, not just the application, not just, you know, how is the data managed, but who are the people involved in any access to any applications related to data?

Erica Birstler And the audits happen about every six months. And so that's something we're committing. It's voluntary, but we're committing to going through those audits every six months to have something to show our end users to say, you're you want to know about security, here's a third party audit. And that brings a lot of peace of mind to us, as well as as a clients.

Bob Ambrogi Yeah, it's that seal of approval. It's a good it's a good thing.

Erica Birstler Yeah. Very helpful.

Bob Ambrogi Well, our time is just about up here. Scott, anything else you'd like to say in closing, as we wrap up our discussion of this news.

Scott Clasen We're just, you know, ecstatic that the evolution of of Rocket Matter is here and, you know, can't understate the significance of what's happened with this next gen launch. And we we do really encourage, you know, Rocket Mountain has been around a long time that, you know, take a look at it again. If you haven't looked at it for a while, it is something that a lot of time and effort, behind the scenes work, it's been happening for a long time, and now that it's out in the public, we're really excited to still remain an anchor and and for the legal practice management space and what we provide for law firms, because at the end of

Scott Clasen the day, you know, Larry had a vision when he started this company of really serving law firms. And I know Erica and I and the rest of all the employees at prophets all very much believe in the mission of like, we will provide the tools so that you can do the things as a lawyer and as a law firm, you do best, which is practice law.

Scott Clasen Frankly, you weren't you didn't go to law school to run a business. And these are small businesses and you have to run them as such. So there's a lot of on the fly learning lawyers have to do. We want to make sure that we provide the products from the very beginning, whether it's that CRM and your website, how it looks to run in your practice management to getting paid on the back end.

Scott Clasen We built tools that make that easier, faster and less of a headache for you, and we feel like NextGen has just stepped that up to a whole nother level that we're just ecstatic about.

Erica Birstler Just one note is this is just the beginning. And that goes for us as a team. Like we've all been very, very excited, especially this past week, that all of this hard work is going into this, this new version. But we're more excited to hear everybody else use it, everybody else get a taste of it and let us know their thoughts.

Erica Birstler And our product team is is ready and willing to to hear that feedback. And we're really excited just to to see what the future Rocket Matter will be. I think it'll be great personally, because I think that we're setting us up with a fantastic product and we're really excited. I know our entire team is looking forward to working with hopefully all of you, in the future.

Erica Birstler So definitely check it out.

Bob Ambrogi Thank you Erica. Thank you Scott, and congratulations on this launch. It's really, you know, exciting news, especially given the history of this company and of this product and its place in the legal market. So thanks for doing it today.

Scott Clasen Thanks, Bob. Appreciate the time.

Erica Birstler Yeah. Thanks so much.

Bob Ambrogi And that's it for today's episode of LawNext PR. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe wherever you get your podcasts or on YouTube about law. Next, underscore PR. You can also find all of the episodes at the LawNext Legal Tech directory under the resources tab. There. This is Bob Ambrogi. Thanks for listening.

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Robert Ambrogi
March 4th, 2025