AllRize announces the Launch of AI-powered law practice management platform

ByRobert AmbrogiPublished inPress ReleasesSeptember 24th, 2024

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AllRize, a leading innovator of software solutions for law firms and in-house legal departments, today introduced its AI-powered law practice management platform. The comprehensive SaaS solution includes all the features necessary to help legal teams streamline internal operations, increase staff productivity, and deliver superior service to their clients.

Designed as an easily customizable platform, AllRize offers four software modules that work together with a unified and intuitive interface built on the Microsoft Dynamics framework. The modules include:

• CRM – including intake, client communications, and outbound marketing capabilities

• Matters – providing simplified management of all cases, documents, and matters

• Calendar – for scheduling and managing tasks, schedules, and critical deadlines

• Accounting – automatically tracks each user’s time, as well as billing and payments


Bob Ambrogi (00:02.97) Welcome to LawNext PR, the podcast where we put a spotlight on the latest news coming out of the legal tech industry. This is Bob Ambrogi and in each sponsored episode of LawNext PR, I interview a legal tech company about its just released news or latest developments. Today we're talking about the launch of AllRize, law practice management platform. And to tell us about it, my guest is Eric Ruda, the CEO of AllRize. Eric, welcome to the show.

Erik Ruda (00:31.357) Hey Bob, thanks for having me.

Bob Ambrogi (00:34.544) Good to talk to you. And this is pretty exciting that you've recently launched AllRize. Can we just start by asking you to tell me a little bit about why you wanted to launch this and who your target firm is in terms of size or type of practice.

Erik Ruda (00:51.133) Sure, yeah, we're extremely excited to announce AllRize. AllRize was designed and developed based on what we saw as a huge need in the market. Our leadership team, including myself, have years of experience providing IT services exclusively to law firms.

And I can't tell you how many times we see law firms and legal departments fall into the following three categories. One, they're either using outdated technology, it's slow, not secure, and they're not able to take advantage of all the technological advances that have come out over the past few years.

That's one. Two, they're using homegrown solutions that inevitably become too costly to keep up with and all the necessary changes to maintain it in -house just become too costly to maintain. And that's that. Could we say that one more time?

Erik Ruda (01:57.951) And then the second would be homegrown solutions that inevitably inevitably become too costly to keep up with all the necessary changes and maintain it properly in -house. And third, what we see, and we're seeing this more and more, is that they are using a cloud solution that integrates with Microsoft, which I think like 80 % of the legal market uses Microsoft.

Microsoft 365, including for their productivity tools, including Outlook, Word, Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, and the rest. However, it wasn't planned properly or implemented properly. And I don't care how good your software is, if it's not implemented properly, we all know it's going to be a disaster.

And there are also, we also see a lot, they're using technology like legacy tools or point solutions, solutions that solve one specific problem, but don't take anything else into consideration. So what happens then, right? Then you have data in different places that aren't integrated together. They have clunky integrations with Microsoft and other solutions. It's very difficult to get reporting out of it, especially finance.

financial data if necessary. So that's really what AllRize was designed to specifically solve for these scenarios. AllRize was built by lawyers for lawyers.

built on Microsoft Dynamics 365. It has a modular platform architecture. So what that essentially means is you have a core set of common set of technology that's based on Microsoft 365 Dynamics and Microsoft Co -Pilot AI. And then you have modules on top that can plug into that and take advantage of all of that technology technology.

Erik Ruda (04:04.031) The four modules that we currently have are CRM, Matter Management, Calendaring, and Accounting, which really truly makes it an end -to -end solution.

Bob Ambrogi (04:16.834) So what is the right size of firm for AllRize? Are you targeting a particular size of firm or a particular type of firm at all?

Erik Ruda (04:26.335) We are, I would say 10 plus is probably the right size. The more attorneys and paralegals and admin staff that you have that can take advantage of the power of the platform, I think you get the highest return on investment.

Bob Ambrogi (04:46.362) Eric, you talked about the problem of point solutions. Actually, all three problems that you outlined are ones that I see all the time. The one of point solutions is one that I think I see a lot of law firms struggling with that. And you've talked about the kind of the four major modules you have, but could you elaborate a little bit more on what are some of the capabilities of AllRize that it offers for a law firm?

Erik Ruda (05:10.857) Sure, there are actually three key points that I think deserve explanation and they're all kind of related to each other. One, first, we've partnered with Microsoft and built the AllRize platform on the Microsoft Dynamics technology like I mentioned earlier. And why is that important? Why did we do that? It's important because Microsoft invests...

around $30 billion annually in R &D for its massive software suites. And that's including Microsoft Dynamics. So there's a steady stream of new technological advancements and innovations, most of which are also added to Dynamics and therefore added to AllRize.

Bob Ambrogi (05:57.616) Yeah, that makes sense. And you talked about some of the capabilities like CR.

Erik Ruda (06:04.327) I'm sorry, apologize. There were three things and I did one. I forgot the second and third. Apologies.

Bob Ambrogi (06:09.784) Okay. Okay. Right. I'm sorry. Yeah.

Erik Ruda (06:12.275) Well, what's up? Okay. Second, we continuously leverage Microsoft technologies to create new AllRize features and functions specifically for the legal market. And then third, many of our leadership and engineering team have extensive prior experience managing IT departments for law firms, like I mentioned previously. And that's taught us a lot about what law firms really want and need from legal technology.

to improve their operational efficiency and ultimately be more profitable. So it's this collective experience, leveraging Microsoft R &D technology, delivering AllRize engineering expertise, managing IT departments within law firms that really enable us to deliver a complete law practice management software and service solution with the automation and intelligence required to grow their business.

Bob Ambrogi (07:12.382) Well, you talked about the service aspect of it, and I know that you're offering customers a year, new customers a year of white glove customer service and support, and I'm guessing most law firms would pay just for that technical support, but why did you decide to offer that free, and what does that exactly mean? What do you offer?

Erik Ruda (07:36.061) That really goes back to what we discussed earlier, or just a little while ago about how we're running IT departments for law firms and seeing how decent software or even good software is providing a fraction of the ROI due to poor implementation and rollout. Like we talked about earlier, I don't care how good the software is, if you don't implement it properly, it's gonna be disaster. It's gonna take a very long time to

to fix a lot of those problems.

So sorry, got, okay, I'll wait a few seconds and then if we could just, just say, you know, so our commitment to white glove service is really ingrained in our culture. So we believe that every customer deserves a white glove service and we deliver.

Bob Ambrogi (08:17.606) Why you start that over?

Bob Ambrogi (08:21.498) Yeah, start that over.

Bob Ambrogi (08:36.122) That's great. You know, it is interesting. I've seen over the years, you just alluded to this, but the fact, problem that law firms buy software, I think this is a problem, generic to the software industry, but law firms in particular will buy software and use only a portion of what its capabilities are, and then perhaps complain that the software doesn't do what they need.

So it seems like that implementation part of it is really critical, I think, and that white glove service could be really critical to driving adoption and use of the software.

Erik Ruda (09:11.837) Yeah, absolutely. It's funny, you know, it's like you, there's either too much functionality or not enough, right? You give too much functionality and it's hard to use. So you have to kind of, you know, find that fine line, walk that fine line.

Bob Ambrogi (09:27.696) Yeah. And again, we've talked a little bit about the fact that you are leveraging various aspects of Microsoft technology and with AI being such a hot topic these days, I know that you're particularly leveraging some of Microsoft's co -pilot AI technology. Could you elaborate a little bit on how you're doing that? What some of the use cases are that law firms could automate through the combination of AllRize and co -pilot?

Erik Ruda (09:56.767) It's a great question. Law firms, the way I feel, law firms are very curious about AI, but they're still trying to determine the best use cases to use the technology. I feel like we may have a little bit of an unfair advantage because we are built on top of dynamics and do, co -pilot is infused in everything that we built.

But the few use cases that Bur a few uses cases we see used currently are...

reviewing and organizing documents, automating client intake, conducting research and summarizing matters and case data, handling repetitive tasks, and even helping with new business development. the one thing, having Copilot and having everything built on that Microsoft architecture really enables firms to experiment with it, to experiment with the technology and see what

works best for their firm. I think what we need to do more of what needs to happen is I think people right now are getting AI and trying to find a problem to solve it, you know, to do that. What we really need to do is identify problems and identify pain points that you want to, you know, that you want to leverage the technology to solve and I think that's a better approach.

Bob Ambrogi (11:29.274) Yeah, no, I think that's really good advice. I know that, as you say, some firms are kind of, they're going out and buying or testing different AI products when really with Copilot, they can do a lot of that testing and a lot of that figuring out what works for them and what doesn't work for them. And then maybe they go on to some other solution at some point if they need it or not. But there's a lot of capability right there that they have available to them.

Erik Ruda (11:53.075) Yeah, it's fantastic.

Bob Ambrogi (11:54.597) Yeah. So now that you've brought AllRize to market, what are your future plans? What lies ahead for the product going forward?

Erik Ruda (12:12.393) Sorry, we'll pause that for a second there. You're editing guys are gonna have a field day with this one, huh?

Bob Ambrogi (12:14.522) Yeah. Yeah.

Bob Ambrogi (12:19.268) No, you'll be amazed at what they do. No, this is this is par for the chorus.

Erik Ruda (12:28.947) Gotcha, gotcha. So to answer your question, you know, this really goes back to... no, sorry, I said that. What was the question that you asked? I'm sorry.

Bob Ambrogi (12:38.8) Just what's, this is actually one of the questions that I added in. Maybe you didn't even get it, but kind of what are your future plans for the product? Now that you've launched AllRize, what are your future plans?

you not get that one? I added in a couple of

Erik Ruda (12:54.616) What are our future plans for AllRize? I had something that I wanted to...

Erik Ruda (13:14.299) I gotta get Franklin's messaging correct.

Erik Ruda (13:21.833) He's watching, shaking his head right now.

Erik Ruda (13:26.481) Okay, I got it right here.

Erik Ruda (13:57.479) Okay, sorry about that. Do want to repeat the question or are you good?

Bob Ambrogi (14:02.896) Yeah, I'll just repeat the question again. If you don't want me to do the question at all, we could just skip it. But do want me to go ahead and ask it or do you want to? Yeah, yeah, OK. Yeah. So, Eric, now that you've launched AllRize, what are your future plans for the product?

Erik Ruda (14:11.763) Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's fun. I, I, yeah, I'm

Erik Ruda (14:21.673) You know, it's early days for us, but we're currently focused on two strategic paths.

Through our partnership with Microsoft, we want to continue to tap into the power of Co -Pilot as an AI engine that can deliver significant value to law firms, as we see it. And then two, we're considering leveraging our past experiences and professional services to offer law firms a suite of service options that could help them really optimize the performance of All -Rise.

IT infrastructure and their business as a whole.

Bob Ambrogi (15:00.794) That all sounds good. Well, I've appreciated having this chance to talk to you and learn a little bit about AllRize and share that information with our audience. Is there anything else that you'd like to share in terms of final thoughts or that you would like listeners to know about AllRize?

Erik Ruda (15:19.487) Yeah, actually we'd like to...

you know, since this is a new SaaS offering, like to provide a 30 -day free trial to any law firm interested in experiencing the power of the AllRize Law Practice Management Platform. You can just leave your name and the best way to contact us is at allrize .ai slash trial. That's AllRize A -L -L -R -I -Z -E dot A -I slash trial.

up and get started. It's that simple.

Bob Ambrogi (15:57.574) Sounds good, and I like the name by the way.

Erik Ruda (15:59.947) Thank you

Bob Ambrogi (16:02.438) All right, well, Eric, thanks so much for being with us today to talk about it. Good to talk to you.

Erik Ruda (16:07.709) Yeah, thanks for having us. It was a really good time. Thank you.

Bob Ambrogi (16:11.47) That's it for today's episode. you enjoyed it, please subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, or you can find us on YouTube at LawNext underscore PR. You can also find all of our episodes at the LawNext Legal Tech Directory under the resources tab. This is Bob Ambrogi. Thanks for listening.

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Robert Ambrogi
October 8th, 2024