Expert Systems and Decision Automation Tech Center

You’ve probably heard of, or even engaged with, chatbots. software that simulates human conversation, allowing someone to “chat” with the software, typically in a question-and-answer format. Chatbots are one form of what can be classified as expert systems and decision automation technologies. What these technologies share in common is the ability to guide the user to a result or an answer. They automate processes or workflows that would otherwise be done by a human. As a result, they can save time and money. Some of the ways law firms and legal organizations use chatbots on their websites are to direct visitors to the right resource, perform new-client intake, fill out and generate forms, and answer simple legal questions.

In law, expert systems are more sophisticated applications that use a rule base or a knowledge base and an inference engine to deliver legal answers or to generate legal work product, such as a legal form. If you’ve ever used TurboTax, you’ve used an expert system.
In this Legal Tech Center, two types of products are covered:

Expert Systems and Decision Automation. Products that help legal professionals create applications that provide answers to legal questions using an inference engine that applies logical rules to a knowledge base.

Chatbots/Legal Bots Development. Products that help legal professionals create chatbots, which are programs that simulate human conversation, allowing someone to engage with the software, typically in a question-and-answer format.

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Categories of software used in Expert Systems and Decision Automation

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